Just One Book! Three years ago, a lovely Polish lady purchased Vital Facts for Girls from me. I didn't consider it a very successful sales presentation because of the result, just one book! However, she was very conversant with health practices. She's a naturopath and her tendencies were clearly toward New Age philosophies.
A few months ago in Melbourne, my brother met the same lady while attending a seminar. He spoke of his sister living in Bendigo and about the work she did. She commented, “She must be that amazing lady who one day came to my home and sold me a book that 15 minutes before I didn't know I needed. It was the first time I bought something from a door to door salesperson. I actually hate salespeople who come uninvited and usually don't entertain them.”
I decided to go back and visit Barshia last week to thank her for the privilege of being the first salesperson she allowed in her home, and for actually buying a book from me. We discovered we had a lot in common, since she is also a vegetarian. I invited her for dinner with our family.
While washing the dishes she told me, “You are really amazing. There is something really special about you. You are so happy and your attitude is al most contagious. I feel good vibes with you but I don't understand how you are a Sabbath keeper. I didn't know that was possible, happy and a Sabbath keeper. What makes you so happy?”
What a great opportunity I didn't want to let it pass by! I told her about the joy of the Lord that comes as we surrender our lives to Him. I also shared with her the Holy Spirit's transforming power, about God's claims and how He is calling His people in this last hour of earth's history. About Jesus' soon coming to take His people home. She listened attentively, there were no arguments or if's and but's. I also told her I believed God was calling her and that our meeting was not a coincidence. It was one of those magic moments where I truly saw her seeking, lost for words and did not miss any word I said.
I look forward to a good friendship with Barshia. One that will never end, because one day she will choose to follow our Lord and Saviour instead of humanly devised fables. - Noemi Cummings, Southern Area
Important reading: The seven years of tribulation exposes the lies of the enemy on this deception manufactured by Jesuit priests and teaches the real truth on the second coming of Christ. Solar seals and the number of the beast has fascinating information on magic squares with the number 666 on them that came from Babylon. And the following sites explain why the Bible refers to the Roman Catholic Church as Babylon. So Constantine and the origin of sun worship followed by Catholic Church paganism and then who changed the Sabbath to Sunday will help greatly in understanding why Satan did these things and was behind the day change from the beginning. [sabbath]